A Sales Expert’s Take on Who is Most Deplorable

I was home recovering from a bout of asthmatic bronchitis last week and I got a chance to watch some news shows on television.  That’s when I realized how incredibly angry I am about the 2016 US presidential election!

Earlier this month I broke the business rule about not talking about religion when I revealed that God was my greatest secret of sales success.  I thought I might be criticized but instead I received dozens of supportive and encouraging emails.  So, if I can break that rule, why not go one step further and break the rule about politics too?  Specifically, I want to share my opinion on who is the most deplorable and who this entrepreneur/sales expert will support in November. I’ll probably lose some readers.  I’m sure the trolls will find me and have their say.  But I’m willing to take that chance because what is taking place right now is completely crazy!

I’ll start with Hillary.  I don’t like her,  I don’t like what she has done, and I don’t like the prospects for business if she becomes the next president.  Her policies are bad for business and since this is a business Blog, I’ll stick with that.

Donald is next.  I don’t like him either but I do love what he stands for.  He stands for change, he’s from the outside and he knows how to get things done.  His policies will create jobs so a Trump presidency will be good for businesses.  I’ll stick with that.  By the way, back in May I wrote about the Rise of Trump for LinkedIn (a sales article, not an article in support of Trump).

So who is most deplorable?  Hillary has done some pretty deplorable things.  Trump has said some deplorable things.  But if you want to know who is the most deplorable, it’s not them. It’s the media.

You probably don’t have the time or inclination to watch a Trump or Clinton campaign speech.  You might simply be reading headlines or getting little sound bites each day. That’s what the media wants because your lack of attention allows the Washington Post, CNN and MSNBC, the biggest Clinton supporters, to take Trump’s sound bites out of context and create some powerful anti-Trump headlines that make him out to be a racist.  The Washington Post writes opinion pieces based on these sound bites and every one of those articles is written to make sure we have the appropriate amount of hate for Trump and assure that Clinton gets elected.  CNN puts a political panel together – usually three Clinton supporters who talk about how horrible Donald Trump is. Two Trump supporters are then asked for their responses but are rarely allowed to actually state their opinions.  The hosts cut them off, badger and bully them, and try to make them say what the hosts want them to say.  Don’t believe me?

Watch Don Lemon of CNN refuse to let Corey Lewandowski talk,

Watch Chris Matthews of MSNBC bully Rudy Giuliani.

Watch Don Lemon badger Kellyann Conway on CNN.

And yes, Fox News will sometimes do the same thing – letting Trump supporters speak while shutting down Clinton supporters.  but as you can see in the comments below, this article proves that Fox was anti-Trump throughout the primaries.

When those same media outlets had the opportunity to press Clinton on the email scandal, they simply reported on it. You didn’t read opinion pieces in the Washington Post, and CNN and MSNBC kept asking why we were still talking about it.  “Let’s move on!” they said.

This is really scary.  This article shows that Google, Apple, Instagram and Twitter are manipulating searches to hide negative Clinton information.  And this is probably the most revealing information of all.  This video proves that the internet is manipulating what you read about Hillary and Donald.

I really don’t care which candidate you support and I hope you don’t care which candidate I support.

On the other hand, I really hope you care that the media has so much power to change the narrative.  Last week, CNN’s polls showed that Trump had taken the lead over Clinton both nationally and in some swing states.  But CNN spun that around and instead of talking about Trump’s momentum, they talked about how he can’t possibly win and what it will take to stop him.

Here’s an example that is so fresh I’m sure most of you saw it or read it. Trump recently suggested that if Hillary is anti-gun, then perhaps her bodyguards should be disarmed.  If you heard the entire context for his comment then you would know that he was saying that if bad guys are the only ones with guns then we will be in even more trouble than we are now.  The media turned that into Trump’s second call for violence against Hillary.  And yes, the same thing happened the first time.  Seriously, the media has put more words into his mouth than there is pollution in the Ohio River.

Today, new polls show Trump increasing his national lead to 7 points and being just one state away from the presidency.  However the NY Times shows Hillary with a 2 point lead.  How can that be?  They are reporting on poll results from 2 weeks ago and not including Gary Johnson in the results!

When I was growing up, the media consisted of radio, television, newspapers and magazines.  Reporters reported on the story – they weren’t part of the story.  Today, the media extends to everything on the Internet they are forcing their agenda on the American people.  It’s propoganda, which I wrote about in July on LinkedIn.

So I will cast my vote for Donald Trump because he represents what America needs, even if America doesn’t particularly like him and the media is hell bent on keeping him out of office.