More Seth Godin on Sales

Dave Kurlan is a top-rated speaker, best-selling author, sales thought leader and highly regarded sales leadership expert.

Last week, Marketing Guru Seth Godin wrote about the ‘Death of the Sales Call‘, a post I addressed here. Today he wrote about the ‘9 Things Marketing People Ought to Know About Salespeople‘. Funny thing is, in point #9, he defends salespeople against marketing’s attempt to replace them with the web by saying that the game changing sales…is real people interacting with real people. Quite a change in his tune in just one week!

In point #6 Seth says that he (a salesperson) has no idea what works. He should. He uses his expertise to preach the most effective ways to market goods and services. I preach a sales methodology that works and have a Lens with additional resources to help companies and their salespeople develop and master the best ways to sell their products and services. In this day and age, a company that sends salespeople into the field without a system or process, without a plan, without knowing exactly what they’re supposed to do and how they’re supposed to do it, is operating in the last century.

Once again, Seth, the marketing genius, is either effectively getting others to write about and promote him or, he is just confused about selling. Once again, I think it’s the former and not the latter. He’s good!

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