Prediction for Your Company’s Sales Force in 2011

10 Sales Experts were inducted into the Top Sales Hall of Fame at yesterday’s Top Sales Awards event.  They include legends, both living and deceased, like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracey and Earl Nightingale.  Current legends like Gerhard Gschwandter and Jeffrey Gitomer were honored.  Others who were inducted include Keith Rosen, Bill Brooks, Linda Richardson, Neil Rackham and Dr. Tony Allasandra.

When asked for her prediction for 2011, Linda Richardson said, “Clients won’t be looking for sales training.  They want sales force transformation.  They want to know whether they have the right people in the right roles…”

Thank you Linda!  A Hall of Fame sales training company leader saying what I’ve been saying for 20 years!

Linda’s comments were not really a prediction though.  Jim Collins wrote about how great companies focused on having the right people in the right seats in his 2001 book, “Good to Great”. Objective Management Group, founded in 1989, has been helping its partners provide sales force transformations via the insights and findings from its Sales Force Evaluations and Sales Candidate Assessments for at least 10 years. Years ago I urged all of our partners to provide sales force development instead of sales training so that we could transform sales forces. Perhaps Linda was simply suggesting that she expects to model her business after ours.

This sounds very similar to when mainstream MD’s write breakthrough articles and basically say what alternative MD’s have been saying for decades.  Three examples are, “Supplement with Omega 3’s”, “Those prescrtiption drugs will actually kill you”, and “Supplement with CoQ10”.

Time to take the supplements – I’m against the clock.