Ultimatums for the Salesforce – Do They Work?

Suppose you deliver an ultimatum to a salesperson…

Suppose you deliver it to the entire sales force…

How would you expect them to react?

Is it predictable?

It is if you break it down by A’s, B’s and C’s.

Ultimatums are embraced by A’s – they thrive on the pressure, the challenge, the urgency of it all.

Ultimatums will provide the answer to the question, “can my B’s become A’s?”

Ultimatums will accelerate the process by which your C’s leave.

One more thing about ultimatums – they don’t work.  UNLESS:

  • Expectations are clear;
  • The “how” is clear;
  • You support them as needed;
  • They get the coaching they need;
  • They get the training they need;
  • They receive the development they need;
  • Accountability is tightened up;
  • They are committed to the end result;
  • You are committed to the end result.

What do you think about ultimatums?