Sales Assessment Findings – Interview is Another Preview of Performance

business relationshipsJohn Musser, an OMG Partner in Atlanta, shared an observation with me.  He found that when his clients didn’t care for a candidate who was recommended by our Sales Candidate Assessment, he was able to correlate his client’s perception to a single finding: Won’t Develop Relationships Quickly.

A number of clients misinterpret this finding, thinking it means that the candidate won’t develop relationships at all.  But it’s not that they won’t develop relationships, it’s that it won’t happen quickly during the first meeting.  When the client is left feeling indifferent, it’s often because the candidate wasn’t successful at making a connection in that first interview.

There are two ways in which one could look at this:

  1. Knowing that the candidate is a bit slow to warm up, cut them some slack, bring them back for a second interview, give them another chance and overlook their performance from the first interview.
  2. Know that what you see is what you’ll get and their inability to quickly develop a relationship will prevent them from making prospects comfortable enough to answer the types of good, tough, timely questions which are the hallmark of effective consultative selling.
Obviously, you’ll want to follow option #2.
Observing assessment findings manifested during an interview is a very common occurrence, but it’s more likely to occur when a candidate has some of the following findings:
FindingWhat You’ll See
Tendency to Become EmotionalDefensiveness, panic, louder volume,
rash, sweat, etc.
Need for ApprovalSaying what you want to hear, fear of
pushing back, fear of tough questions, trying to make friends
Too TrustingOptimistic when you give the candidate a put-off like,
“We’ll be back to you next week.”
Uncomfortable Talking About MoneyStuttering, lack of confidence when asked about earnings history
Of course there are many more, but this gives you a sense of it.  If you would like to see more examples or read more, click for some assessment case histories.